Ayala Rubio Arquitectura

Ayala Rubio Arquitectura




Posada Peñuelas is a municipal hotel consisting of twenty rooms, restaurant, kitchen, terrace, swimming pool and administrative facilities. Reaching 20,000 square feet of construction in six levels, the building of considerable scale, relative to its setting, occupies a privileged location in front of the Plaza de Peñuelas. The building is anchored through the manipulation of form, volume, proportion, facade profiles, and other architectural elements. The main level is dedicated to public functions, opening towards the Plaza, while the upper levels are organized in a linear manner, directing views of the bedrooms towards the Cordillera Central to the north, and maintaining an open corridor on the south facade. The corridors, spaces that remain lit and used throughout the night, become a kind of lantern that forms part of the urban fabric that frames the square, exposing the circulation of guests to the public space while maintaining the privacy of the bedrooms, reversing the predominant typology.

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Status: Built
Location: Penuelas, PR, US
Firm Role: Project Architect