

Moscow, RU

Inner courtyard
Inner courtyard
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House in Novoleonovo

The morphogenesis of the house is dictated by the shape of the site. The house forms the inner courtyard, being at the same time a natural border with the neighboring sites.

The combination of pure facades, large fragments of glazing and complex texture of slate tile emphasizes the beauty of the natural landscape. Functional content sets moderate and laconic facades. The house is closely connected with the natural environment - the interior spaces smoothly flow into the garden and are full of light and air.

The linear structure of the architecture allowed us to divide the two parts of the house into public and private. So a spacious hallway smoothly enters the penetrable space of the living room with a kitchen connected by an open terrace with a sauna block. The private part of the house consists of three bedrooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms.

The complex form of the interior open spaces creates new viewpoints. Architecture is perceived not only in space, but also in time from thousands of different angles, each time deepening our original perception.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Moscow, RU
Firm Role: Architecture project
Additional Credits: Lead Architects: Alexander Salov, Tatiana Osetskaya
Design Team: Ksenia Vauchskaya, Anna Venichenko

Inner courtyard
Inner courtyard
Inner courtyard
Inner courtyard
Axonometry scheme
Axonometry scheme
Floor plan
Floor plan