As time passes it is seen that there are many changes taking place in all the fields. Change occur to fulfill the needs of the people and it is observed that due to development in technology there is a vast change in the textile industry also. The research focuses on textile industry of Belgaum which highlights the Issues in Shahapur & Khasbag area where the weaver’s houses have the largest room dedicated for weaving. In this, the weavers work side by side to produce a saree. The open spaces also witness some spill over of the weaving practices. Earlier there was an exclusive cycle which included artisans involved in different stages of weaving staying in neighborhood clusters and carrying their livelihood, which played a major role in affecting the spatial organization of the old town of Belgaum & surrounding villages. The clusters inhabit the artisans of different stages of weaving involved in the evolution of the Shahapur Silk & Vadgaon Polyester Sarees. Government have been taking care of the issue but requires a broader vision of imparting independence to weavers rather than just giving a subsidy.
Thus, the thesis will be the study of existing conditions of the sector and giving the issue solving architectural proposal for better tomorrow.
Status: Under Construction
Location: Belgaum, IN
Additional Credits: Prof. Rupali Kavilkar