The Living Wall is a first year design studio which exposes freshman to the fundamental issues of architecture through a design/build project. Students begin with a 6’ x 6’ x 8’ block which undergoes a series of basic transformations. The end result will be occupiable spaces for 6-7 students each, meaning that the consequence of each design decision are tangible. The aim is to introduce themes such as efficiency, modularity and urban density / housing. Each project incorporates a parti-wall condition, so dealing with surrounding context becomes a primary design factor. One main ambitions of the project is the focus on collaboration, promoting the belief the architecture at its best is a collaborative effort, drawing upon each members unique perspective to achieve a dynamic and well executed project. With three faculty members, eight teaching assistance and well over ninety first year students, the Living Wall was successfully built and occupied for 24 hours, acting a dynamic shelter and social incubator.
Status: Built