Alex Ollero

Alex Ollero

Madrid, ES


La Picnic

White Little Clouds for the Picnic

You don’t tell people where to have a picnic. Usually lights and shadows define the perfect location.
ABC Serrano’s Picnic Experience is already a classic event in Barrio de Salamanca (Madrid). The roof top of the building gets ready for the summer, letting all neighbors in to enjoy a little dinner and watch the sunset.
We were asked to distribute the space, but seriously, who has ever tell people how to colonize nature? Nobody does that.

In order to manage the different areas required, and also as an act of common sense (sun burns as hell in the summer), we decided to let people decide between light and shadow.
And, how can we generate this dual situation? Easy, we’ll hang a few white-little-clouds.
A patterned texture, generated by flipping up and down a pre-defined system of paper-tiles

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Status: Built
Location: Madrid, ES
My Role: Architect