Alex Gordon

Alex Gordon

Costa Mesa, CA, US

The outdoor dining area flows seamlessly into the landscape connecting the inhabitants to their surroundings.
The outdoor dining area flows seamlessly into the landscape connecting the inhabitants to their surroundings.
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Alzheimer's Care Facility

A project concerning itself with the experience and care of Alzheimer's patients of all severities. This design in particular focused on the implementation of spatial differentiation, clear wayfinding, and meaningful vistas as tools for remembrance and peace through what is a turbulent and unwavering disease. 

The project itself is located in Wrightwood California with panoramic views and a restful ambiance. In it's linear approach the building features a dynamic vista of the San Bernardino Mountains to the east while prioritizing the more intimate views to the north and south for the patient's units.

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Status: School Project
Location: Wrightwood, CA, US
My Role: Student/Designer

The concept sketch illustrates the building 'dancing' along the ridge.
The concept sketch illustrates the building "dancing" along the ridge.