Albert Diaz

Albert Diaz

New York, NY, US


HS 410K - Sandy Permanent Work

The School Building experienced flooding and damages due to the sea water surges caused by Hurricane Sandy. A&J Consulting along with Purcell Architects  performed site visits to visually inspect and assess the damage to the Building Systems. 

The areas that were affected due to flooding were mainly: 
1. Athletic Field, Soft Ball Court and the Field house outside the Building. 
2. Pool Equipment Room (All Pool equipment repair will be done by Department of 
Education, Division of School Facilities) 
3. Boiler Room 
4. Fan Room next to Boiler Room 
5. Rooms in the Basement 

The goal for this Flood mitigation project is repair the existing conditions that were affected by Hurricane Sandy & to Dry Flood Proof  the vulnerable areas. 

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Status: Under Construction
Location: 2800 Ocean Parkway between Shore Parkway and West Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.
My Role: Project Manager
Additional Credits: Purcell Architects