Lacime Architects

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Asian/Pacific Islander owned

Shanghai, CN

Bird's-eye night view ©Yang Yuan
Bird's-eye night view ©Yang Yuan
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Shishan Financial Innovation Center, Suzhou, China

Located in Suzhou's High-Tech Zone, at the intersection of Binhe Road East and Zhuyuan Road North, Suzhou Shishan Financial Innovation Center boasts a total construction area of approximately 720,000 square meters and a total investment of around 13 billion RMB. Developed jointly by Suzhou High-Tech Group and Rongchuang, this complex financial district is branded as a "Grand Canal, Little Bund" concept, integrating financial offices, commercial spaces, specialty retail, and long-term rental apartments.

Inspired by the flowing spirit of the Grand Canal and embracing a "street-connected city" urban planning philosophy, the project aims to revitalize traditional financial culture while reflecting contemporary urban living. The core "Financial Heart," situated at the pivotal intersection of both above-ground and below-ground blocks, draws from Suzhou's garden landscape design principles, creating multi-dimensional scenic frames. It serves as a flexible stage for pop-up stores and exhibitions, symbolizing not only the hub of the district but also a platform for cultural exchange and public engagement. The project adopts a dual-track TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) model, ingeniously blending ancient trade culture with modern financial concepts to sculpt a harbor-like urban space. This reinterpretation of the traditional TOD concept acts as a link between past and present, tranquility and vibrancy. Careful layout of above-ground and below-ground spaces and vertical interfaces optimizes urban flow and enhances the quality of urban spaces. Integration of diverse formats such as the Yiheng Hotel, Ascott apartments, and residential units enriches the TOD model in urban renewal, ensuring stability and diversity.

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Status: Built
Location: Suzhou, China
Firm Role: Architecture
Additional Credits: Project type: Architecture
Design: Lacime Architects
Design year: 2018
Completion year: 2023
Chief Architect: Di Wu
Chief Designer: Rui Qiang
Design team: Rui Ma, Lei Lie, Dawei Ma, Jiongpeng Chen, Zhongguo Fu, Meiyue Xue
Project location: Suzhou, China
Gross built area:700,000㎡
Photo credit: Yang Yuan
Partner: Landscape Design: Belt Collins
Facade design: Suzhou Gold mantis Curtain wall Co., Ltd.
Construction drawring: Arts Group
Client: New High Finance Construction Development Co., Ltd.
Materials: Glass, Aluminum sheet
Brands: Xinyi Glass, Shanghai Benwei

Bird's-eye night view ©Yang Yuan
Bird's-eye night view ©Yang Yuan
Bird's-eye day view ©Yang Yuan
Bird's-eye day view ©Yang Yuan
General plane drawing
General plane drawing
Street corner ©Yang Yuan
Street corner ©Yang Yuan
Hand sculpture ©Yang Yuan
Hand sculpture ©Yang Yuan
Sculpture details ©Yang Yuan
Sculpture details ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart plaza ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart plaza ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart plaza ©Yang Yuan
The Financial Heart plaza ©Yang Yuan
Interior of The Financial Heart ©Yang Yuan
Interior of The Financial Heart ©Yang Yuan
Section drawing ©Yang Yuan
Section drawing ©Yang Yuan
Sunken plaza ©Yang Yuan
Sunken plaza ©Yang Yuan
Central plaza ©Yang Yuan
Central plaza ©Yang Yuan
The hotel ©Yang Yuan
The hotel ©Yang Yuan
The renting apartment ©Yang Yuan
The renting apartment ©Yang Yuan
The Phase 1 Residence ©Yang Yuan
The Phase 1 Residence ©Yang Yuan