

Málaga, ES

Sustainable Office
Sustainable Office
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Sustainable Office built in 7 days

The challenge

A Neighborhood Association proposes the challenge of building a small office that can be expandable in several phases. The work must be done in a very tight deadline, ensuring maximum energy efficiency without generating waste, and a simple design to decorate office. The plot is in an industrial environment with heavy traffic rolled around .

The solution

We propose a building with inner courtyards that allows be insulated from outside noise. In this first phase a hall, an adapted bathroom and a patio , which not only serves to decorate office building, is a regulatory space temperature. In the next two phases two rooms with another yard to ensure cross ventilation. energy rating A, 7 days mount plot , without waste or debris, and prepared to be expanded when necessary .

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Status: Built
Location: Málaga, ES
Firm Role: LIVING KITS worked as Architect, Builder, and Project Manager
Additional Credits: LIVING KITS

Sustainable Office
Sustainable Office
Sustainable Office
Sustainable Office
Sustainable Office Plans
Sustainable Office Plans