Kejing Li

Kejing Li

Los Angeles, CA, US

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Wallshell inc, Los Angeles, CA, US, Junior Designer

Tasks include the architectural conceptual design on flipping house projects, communicating with architects, rendering etc.

Jan 2024 - current

SCAAA, Los Angeles, CA, US, Junior Designer

Architectural designer

Sep 2022 - Aug 2023

Roto Architects, Los Angeles, CA, US, Internship

Tasks include architectural programming, preparation, and presentation of schematic design documents, meetings with clients, rendering, and animation.

May 2019 - Aug 2019

DKAU, Los Angeles, CA, US, Internship

The goals and objectives of the internship are to support the team on large-scale mixed- use projects.

May 2018 - Aug 2018


University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US, Masters, Master of Science- Advanced Architectural Design

Aug 2021 - Aug 2022

Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles, CA, US, BArch, Architecture

Aug 2015 - May 2020


The Charette Architecture Thesis of The Year Top 30, Honorable Mention

Academic Design endeavors allow the free flow of unfettered ideas – experimental, bold, promising, and unconventional. An intensive architectural discourse and a collaborative design process are essential to develop ingenious solutions to complex problems of the future. An Architecture Thesis is considered the avant-garde – pushing the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm in the architectural realm. It is the outcome of months of painstaking research and an excruciating design process yet it hardly gets any recognition beyond the design studio. It is imperative to share such revolutionary ideas with the entire fraternity to open up new possibilities of dialogue.

‘Architecture Thesis of the Year 2020’ is an international architecture thesis competition that aims to extend appreciation to the tireless effort and exceptional creativity of student thesis in the fields of Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape and Restoration. We seek to encourage young talent in bringing their path breaking ideas to the forefront on a global scale. The competition received over 1000 entries from 104 nations across the world. Scroll down to see the crème de la crème of thesis projects from students all over the world.


Areas of Specialization 
