Jake Shirvanyan

Jake Shirvanyan

Northridge, CA, US


High Density Mid-Rise

Third Year Project

Mixed unit types coupled with certain accessory program requirements were addressed based on age groups and where privacy exists and where interactions should happen. The circulation facilitates multiple points of contact from parking to unit. These points of contact exist in different forms (views, sitting areas, open areas) and different scales (neighbor units, communal spaces, public areas). The combination of aggregation of unit and interaction space create growing connections among tenants. If interactions can begin to happen on a small scale (neighborhoods), then they will grow (meet other neighborhoods, public, etc). Each unit itself is build of prefabricated components which are assembled into a prebuilt skeleton structure which also houses plumbing and electrical utilities. The entire site is planned according to the skeleton structure including the yard and accessory program. A few types of units exist and provide certain spatial qualities to create privacy and space. Shifts in space also allow for a more sustainable design.

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Status: School Project