Jordan Hummel

Jordan Hummel

Lincoln, NE, US

Mission Statement
Mission Statement
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Boys Town Career and Technical Education Center

      Boys Town offers programs for at-risk youth. At any given time, about 400 boys and girls live in the Village, receiving care and guidance for a wide range of behavioral, emotional, and academic issues. The transition from high school to adult life can be overwhelming. Boys Town developed our Successful Futures program to provide the resources young adults need to ensure that they are well-positioned to be successfully independent after graduation.

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Status: School Project
Location: Boys Town, NE, US
My Role: Collaborative Studio
Additional Credits: Matt Pierce, Ella Vyhlidal

Top Floor Perspective
Top Floor Perspective
Collaboration Perspective
Collaboration Perspective
Transparency Diagram
Transparency Diagram
Project Space Perspective
Project Space Perspective
Material Palette
Material Palette