San Agustin Cathedral Restoration - 2019-2021
Located in Laredo, TX, this 1875 church is on the National Register of Historic Places, and received a preservation grant from the SHPO and participated in the Federal and State Preservation Tax Credits to fund the comprehensive restoration project.
Able City Architects put together a master plan to restore the building which included, perimeter wall restoration, belltower structural reinforcement, new roofing, interior expansion and finishes restoration, and the accessibility of restrooms. Hansel worked with the team to ensure the restoration followed the Secretary of the Interior Standards (SOI) for Rehabilitation. He participated in reviewing restoration drawings and specifications, and undertook several site visits to document the project's progress and to review and approve samples.
Status: Built
Location: Laredo, TX
Additional Credits: Photography by Able City Architects, Erik Rowley, Mandy Kirkpatrick, and HAHN