Davis Bach

Davis Bach

Minneapolis, MN, US

Map of Embolic spaces throughout Minneapolis
Map of Embolic spaces throughout Minneapolis
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The Arterial Construct

The Interstate Highway Act of 1956 was proposed with the intent of country-wide connection through a system of devised highways linking our metropolitan cities. What became a new arterial system for the country brought with it decades of suffering for minority families in each city the proposed plan touched, leaving over 1,000,000 people displaced from the communities they once thrived in. The Highway Act not only divided communities on a racial and income level, but its nationwide mark has left our cities with embolic territories in the form of underpasses. These neglected spaces have been left to serve little purpose. Many serve as underutilized parking lots, feeding into car-centricity in our cities. The 12-lane I-94 construction separated the communities of Glenwood and North Minneapolis from the rest of the downtown areas of Minneapolis. The Glenwood Avenue underpass spans nearly 1000 feet north to south and 250 feet east to west. The space is currently used twice weekly during the summer months as a parking lot for the Minneapolis Famers Market on the east side of the Underpass. The goal is to provide a public space, a sister museum to the Walker Art Center, and pavilions harboring the communities' history to reconnect the Glenwood and North neighborhoods to the rest of Minneapolis. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Minneapolis, MN, US
My Role: Designer