D1 Architecture Studio

D1 Architecture Studio


BMT Villa

Site area: 910m2

Gross Floor Area: 1819.3m2

The owner of BMT Villa is a foreign couple who wished for a ‘retreat house’ in Vietnam where they can relax among nature. Coming to survey the project site, the team of architects were hypnotized by the majestic waterfall and the highland culture. The team entertained the idea of constructing a villa on the waterfall, in the iconic longhouses structures of the local Ede people.

The team came up with the idea of combining the building blocks with one another to form the shape of a longhouse standing majestically front facing a lake. The fusion of interlocking blocks leaves spaces for the terrace gardens wherein residents can relish in the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Similar to the role of the longhouse in highland culture being the gathering space for villagers in every community activities, the outdoor spaces seem to be designed specially for cozy barbecues and pool parties.

Our architects used reinforced concrete as the main material and also the finishing material, in addition, wood and molded glass are also utilized in the construction. D1 Architectural Studio aims to produce a contrast between the shell of reinforced concrete and the molded glass, which balance each other out to elevate the unique beauty of the building.

BMT Villa's design with strong, robust blocks stacked on top of each other helps the house blend naturally into the majestic mountain surroundings. The wall, floor and glass panels are deliberately arranged by D1 Architectural Studio to show off the façade of the house, and to flaunt the rustic charm of local materials painted in the sophisticated light gray palette.

In every design, D1 Architectural Studio places the focus on the people's feelings, in relations to nature. BMT Villa is not only a home in a mountainous area, but a work honoring the mysterious beauty of the heritage mountains.

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Status: Built
Location: Dak Lat, VN
Firm Role: Architectural design & construction