ALIS Architecture

ALIS Architecture

Inlet Beach, FL


Easter Residence

Design for a renovation and second floor addition of a single family home in Huntington Beach. With the dense nature of the neighborhood and limited yard space, the home focuses inward on a central courtyard which connects the home across the two levels. Front the front entrance, a curved wall with slatted light wood guides inside, into the home. A large tree in the courtyard was planned to act as a beacon of foliage, providing a sense of Zen into the elegant and modern interior. The back of the home facing the canal is made up of large, glazed sliding doors to let the owners enjoy the view of the water and light wood siding to honor the maritime aesthetic of the beach-adjacent community. On the second level, balconies and decks provide a release and connection to the outside for a perfect indoor-outdoor lifestyle southern California is famous for.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Huntington Beach, CA, US
Firm Role: Architect