Krisjon Svanberg Associate AIA

Krisjon Svanberg Associate AIA

San Francisco, CA, US



This modern "stuga" (cottage) project is designed as a small accessory dwelling located on lake front property in Huddinge Stockholm Sweden. The basic driving concept is that the building reaches out from the land towards Gommaren Lake. The ceiling and roof heights slope up and gradually increase in height as the views open up. Since a wood burning metal fireplace is typical and central to most houses in this area it is a critical component along with the large steel plate firewood storage container at the front entrance. The term "Stuga is from old Swedish "stuva" which relates to the English term stove-the stove being central along with the fuel or "firewood". The firewood storage becomes integral with the architecture.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Huddinge Stockholm Sweden
My Role: Architect