

Hyderabad, IN


NRI Residence

It is a small residential building set in the shaikpet neighbourhood in hyderabad City.


The housing block is composed of 2 floors at about approximately 200 sqyds each, and is accessed through an open well staircase core that divides the plot into two defined areas: formal & infornal. The skylight is the key element in the design of the residence. It allows for natural light to filter in through the glass and into the interior spaces as it provides the dense complex with a sizeable open space. It serves as common grounds enhancing the social living experience as the rest of the program falls into place around it. The green mesh that encases the space softens the penetrating light and harsh climate of the hot semi arid, allowing for a pleasant ambience within the house.


Facing the street and on the main facade, two balconies on 2 different levels. The rear portion of the building is designed of 80 percent of closed space with minimal number of windows, which is on west side. Re-cycled furniture, client anthropometric data for kitchen, kids play area are well elevated.

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Status: Built
Location: Hyderabad, IN
Firm Role: We both are architects involved in designing this project. Its completely team effort.
Additional Credits: B&C developers & contractors played their role in handling the project & arbitrating the issues.