

Los Angeles, CA


Specsources Client, The Rockwell Group

We like this, a lot- Specsources client, the Rockwell Group created this pro-bono set up for NYC restaurants! “Rockwell Group realized, from the first days of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing mandates for social distancing, that we would have to make adjustments to how people dine out. We also saw the devastating impact of the restaurant closings on the economy and the restaurant industry, which provides over 300,000 jobs for New York City workers.”

DineOut NYC, designed pro-bono & in coordination with the NYC Hospitality Alliance, is an adaptable and modular outdoor dining system that allows businesses to operate under the current health guidelines, and creates places for diners to feel safe and comfortable.

After receiving many inquiries from restaurants about how to create their street dining space, we decided to create a DineOut Tool Kit, & provide an overview of the components of a dining module.

For further information, please contact [email protected].

Launched at the iconic Melba’s Restaurant in Harlem, the prototype can accommodate a range of restaurants and street conditions. DineOut NYC is being deployed at restaurants and bars in diverse neighborhoods across the 5 boroughs, using parking spaces and sidewalks. #dineoutnyc #designforthegood

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
Firm Role: Specsources Client