Sharan Muthalayil

Sharan Muthalayil

New York City

phase 2: On Completion
phase 2: On Completion
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Commercial and MIx use Redevelopment Project

The existing dilapidated buildings have been planned to be redeveloped  into a mixed use commercial -residential building,which will attract new customers and up bring the  social value of the neighborhood. The roof garden is the highlight of the project which  becomes refreshing entity grafted into the  neighborhood.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Job capatain and designer

phase 1: Street view
phase 1: Street view
phase 1: Pedestrian view
phase 1: Pedestrian view
phase 1: commercial and retail
phase 1: commercial and retail
phase 2: hotel and residential
phase 2: hotel and residential
phase 2: Section
phase 2: Section
phase 2: Street view
phase 2: Street view