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A.UD publishes "The Culture Now Project" led by Thom Mayne

Merced - New high-speed rail and a university are rapidly expanding a rural town 'The Culture Now Project (part 1) - Midsize America' Merced - The High-Speed rail will change the culture of California Review for A.UD SUPRASTUDIO Culture Now led by Thom Mayne Flint - Productive Landscapes, transforming vacancy in Flint Michigan Thom Mayne introduces A.UD SUPRASTUDIO Culture Now to jurors Student presents project for A.UD SUPRASTUDIO Culture Now review led by Thom Mayne SUPRASTUDIO Culture Now installation at Perloff Gallery 2010

Merced - The High-Speed rail will change the culture of California

Merced - The High-Speed rail will change the culture of California