ruier zhao

ruier zhao

Providence, RI, US



For Tibetan pilgrims, arriving at the Potala Palace is their lifelong pursuit. With such a desire, they take their savings, prepare dry food, and began a long journey. They seek relief from the human body and desire. They pray for the masses. They regret the mistakes they made . They believe that only through physical pain can they reach spiritual heights.

I designed it from the perspective of this group of villagers, adding six shelters for
them during the pilgrimage, so that they can get a more comfortable stay in about
20 days and I wrote the journal from their perspective as well. But in order to
cater to the original intention of their pilgrimage, the shelter just have basic
facilities and functions,and protect them from landslide and heavy snow. Also, just
like a lighthouse to guide them forward.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Tibet
My Role: My own Project.