Mylomyr Bogdanov

Mylomyr Bogdanov

Sofia, BG

Mylomyr Bogdanov recently worked on...

...USA - USDA Southern Regional Research Center - New Orleans, Louisiana, under the head of design Mike Fisher

USA - USDA Southern Regional Research Center - New Orleans, Louisiana, under the head of design Mike Fisher

Dec 17 '14

...Spain - Alicante, enlarging of Vila sola- Quesada Rojales

Spain - Alicante, enlarging of Vila sola- Quesada Rojales

Dec 17 '14

...Corporative building in construction

Corporative building in construction

Dec 17 '14

...Professional media for the building

Professional media for the building

Dec 17 '14

...Media for the building

Media for the building

Dec 17 '14

...Interior of the corporative building

Interior of the corporative building

Dec 17 '14

...Corporative building

Corporative building

Dec 17 '14

...Est holding corporative building

Est holding corporative building

Dec 17 '14