Mohamad Khalil

Mohamad Khalil

Montreal, QC, CA

Street overlaping and projection in the park
Street overlaping and projection in the park
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Collective Housing - The vertical plan : a support for appropriation

In a landscape marked by scales and disparate uses, major industrial and typical Montreal triplex buildings coexist, and between them, we find major transportation infrastructures, rigid elements that break the layout of the city. 

Within this unstructured landscape, an element emerges: surfaces resulting from the development of the sector over time, sometimes ignored, become the place of various interventions: painting, planting, harvesting, advertising, knitting, furnishing. 

The basic picture is of a vertical plane, support for acts of ownership, creation, production, and also for housing units. Following an initial comceptual act of folding, the wall splits, and the homes are contained between these two surfaces, which hold a strong collective center space, with which all homes are related.

The building is inserted on a site bordering the Van Horne overpass. A strip of the building containing dwellings, is fixed along the viaduct in its axis over the entire length of the site, and projects in the adjacent park . This band contains homes that accomodates a free space on the side of the viaduct, left for appropriation at the whim of the people. Domestic modulation of the facade with signage or whatever other type of decoration plays an important role for those who travel by the overpass.

On both sides of the plot are parks, which extend to the building and form the vegetated facade structure facing the dwellings.

The continuity of these vegetated areas allow to qualify forgotten surfaces such as the underside of the viaduct. Green walls also play a role in the bioclimatic performance of the building.

The central space becomes the heart of the project. The floor is occupied by an art gallery, media arts events , as well as a supermarket, a programmatic commitment to diversity and integrate local shops . The top of the equipment is occupied by communal areas , such as gardens and an outdoor cinema.

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Status: School Project
Location: Montreal, QC, CA
My Role: Architecture design and document production
Additional Credits: Anne Saint-Laurent

Appropriable space facing the viaduct
Appropriable space facing the viaduct
Collective centrality
Collective centrality