Kayla Roach

Kayla Roach

San Diego, CA, US


The Cornelius

DATE  Spring 2011
DURATION  1 Semester
Individual Project


To rehabilitate the old Cornelius Hotel into an affordable hostel geared towards younger outdoor recreational travelers.  Guests experience a transition from the past to the present with a strong centralized connection that encourages gathering.  This energy is carried throughout the building through transparencies, floor to floor relations and connection to the surrounding parks, with a focus on sustainable design strategies and support for the local community of Portland. 


+Create an affordable, destination hostel for young travelers
+Promote and support the active community, eco-tourism, and recreational tourists
+Preserve historic features while contrasting it with modern day standards
+Support the local community through the use of local artwork, materials, custom made furniture, and food
+Create an atmosphere where both locals and tourists can dwell together
+Design sustainably by using eco-friendly and recycled products, passive cooling strategies, and natural day lighting

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Status: School Project
Location: Portland, OR, US