Toshiki Hirano

Toshiki Hirano

New York, NY, US



“Puff…” proposes functional at the same time playful and iconic mobile coffee kiosk. Main elements of the kiosk are a floating balloon and assembled small units that emphasize the nature of the kiosk’s temporariness and mobility. Playful, or even comical impression of the kiosk will make a whole experience of coffee joyful: hearing sounds of grinding/brewing, smelling aromas, and finally, tasting it. 

Floating balloon which shape somewhat reminds of a coffee bean inflated with helium gas will become a key icon of the kiosk. The surface is covered with a highly reflective aluminum vapor depositioned layer and reflects the skies and surrounding environments. The reflection of the surrounding will make the balloon merge into the context yet defamiliarize it by distorting the reflected images. It blocks a certain amount of sunlight and rain to allow roof structures underneath to be simplified. The balloon can be folded and becomes small and easy enough for transportation. 

Kiosk structure below the balloon is composed of different small units that are equipped with caster wheels and easy to move. The main workstation unit has a 1200mm diameter working space surrounded by a counter and shelves. The units can be arranged in different ways depending on site conditions and purposes. 

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Status: Unbuilt