Daniel Zebron

Daniel Zebron

Puyallup, WA


Sustainable Housing in Haiti

The process of rebuilding Haiti needs to start with a new approach on the construction process. Poor methods of construction that had become commonplace in Haiti played a large role in the major destruction throughout the country during the earthquake. Inadequate mixtures of cement and lack of sufficient reinforcing in buildings led to many poorly constructed and hazardous structures. This problem posed an even greater threat because of the seismic and hurricane forces that often occur in Haiti.

The situation here is not that there is a general lack of knowledge about construction in high seismically active places, but that there is a general lack of resources. This makes it difficult to construct even the most basic of structures. Alternative methods of construction that are viable and more sustainable, but at the same time also deal well with the environmental challenges faced, are positive changes. There are a number of different methods of construction that can work in Haiti. Some have been used in many developing countries for many years. Simple fixes such as using spare tires to act as building isolating pads help drop the cost of construction.

My proposal for a sustainable dwelling on a university campus uses such technologies, along with cost cutting construction methods, which make good quality housing available to more Haitians than what is currently available. Through proper education in these technologies, the country can be better equipped to rebuild, become more self-sustaining and become less reliant on the countries around it for the basic construction needs. The house is designed to make the most of passive cooling and day lighting. There are also special considerations made for the Haitian culture in the generous porches and combination of indoor and outdoor rooms. The buildings are set up in such a way that the porches can be oriented differently to provide shading depending on the site. I feel that this particular type of housing unit can be used in many parts of the country.

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Status: School Project
Location: Port au Prince, Haiti