Chiratcha (Mild) Lertiendumrong

Chiratcha (Mild) Lertiendumrong

New York, NY, US

abc brooklyn 01
abc brooklyn 01
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abc brooklyn - Restaurant and Bar

abc brooklyn is a bakery, dining, bar, and outdoor event space. The space is a combination vibrant pop and farmers market to produce a green, calming, and vibrant space. While the design encourages local market businesses to provide fresh and plant based produce, the motive of the design is to open the space to vibrant pop colors of brooklyn that represents the community festivals, nightlife and diversity. It will also highlight brooklyn street mural arts to make it feel connected to the local neighbourhood. This will be accompanied by greenery to blur the lines of outdoor/indoor experiences. The aim will be to choose recycled furniture or materials to promote the core values of abc kitchen and encourage more awareness about sustainability.

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Status: School Project
Location: 181 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 11201
Additional Credits: Contributors: Zoe Gao, Vani Jain, Chiratcha (Mild) Lertiendumrong, Aylin Kiriscioglu

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abc brooklyn 02