Mashudu Nekhondela

Mashudu Nekhondela

Cape Town, ZA

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From a terrain which once was bored by the world's largest gold findings and a city built primarily to extract what belongs to nature; I understand the desire of human consumption.

To the beautiful topography of a city built on segregation and exclusion; I understand the need for the preservation of cultures.

A place where scientists and so-called "witch doctors" have emphasized as the beginning of not only humanity however civilization; I understand the nature of change.

And now a flat world with unlimited communications, satellites and increase in global population; I understand the need to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.


Ruben Reddy Architects, Johannesburg, ZA, Job Shadowing

Learning the day-to-day responsibilities of an architect. Visiting building site in Midrand, Johannesburg was impactful experience that influenced my decision to study Architecture at the University of Cape Town. The office was a small studio which tackled international and local projects at the time.
Work References:
Yusef Vahed
Professional Architect, Rubben Reddy Architects, Johannesburg Office
Email: [email protected]
Cell: +27 31 301 6122

Mar 2019 - current


University of Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA, Bachelors, Bachelor's of Architectural Studies

A 3-year degree focusing on design, technology, history and management aspects of Architectural production by individuals and practices.

Design Studio: (Design briefs for architectural production educating how an architect responds to program, site conditions and a production of an eligible design)

Technology: (Architectural detailing and technological drafting of studio designed projects and producing as-built drawings of existing buildings. Building technology and materials are taught. This is how buildings are constructed!)

History and Theory of Architecture: (Reference, reference, reference! everything starts somewhere and the knowledge of where architecture began, how and why are important considerations of designing a building. Learning about the sociological, economical, psychological and physiological impacts of spaces, buildings and urbanity)

Theory of Structures: (There is no Architecture without structure, therefore it critically important the architect understands the constraints materials have which might impact the design of a building)

Management, Practice and Law: (The fundamentals of getting to be legally called an architect through registration, how architectural firms get to build buildings. Basically, the business of the architectural profession in South African context)

Representation: (Drawing and presentation of architecture and art)

Independent Research: (Analytical studies of construction/material details of existing architectural buildings)

Environment and Services: (A building without services is a ruin, an uninhabitable space. Learning how to design to preserve the ecology and sustainability of our planet)

Jan 2020 - current

Areas of Specialization 
