Julieta Guemes

Julieta Guemes

Arvada, CO, US



My name is Julieta, I'm 28 years old. I'm from Cordoba, Argentina. I graduated from the National University as an Architect

I moved to Denver because my boyfriend had a job offer here in Arvada. After we moved, we decided to get married, so my working visa is in process and so is my citizenship. Improve myself in another country is a big challenge, but I'm very happy to take it and give my best.

I have experience in creating documents and drawings on small an medium residential projects. I worked from home under supervition with different professionals. My independent work has always been related to all kinds of designs: interior, furniture and family dwellings. I have experience with software: AutoCad, SketchUp, Adobe Illustrator, Lumion, M. Office. I am a hardworking and responsable person always willing to learn.

I'm interested in jobs that offer a strong work ethic and where I can develop my skill and have more experience.



Freelance Designer and Drafter, Córdoba, AR, DRAFTER

Development of plans and renders, single-family homes.
Corrections and contributions to the design.
Part-time work from home under supervision via mail.
year 2018 CUSTOMER: architect Alvarez Fernando MP 12561.
+54 9 3516860309 [email protected]
year 2016/2019 CUSTOMER: architect Bianchi Constanza MP 6661.
+54 9 3514590232 [email protected]
year 2014/2018 CUSTOMER: architect Manzano Juan P. MP 1-8130.
+54 9 3513904781 [email protected]

Mar 2014 - current

G/O Architecture, Córdoba, AR, freelance

Design development and construction documents for a
single-family house.
CUSTOMER: Garcia Sanmartin Fernando.
+54 9 3517666507 [email protected]

Jun 2018 - Dec 2018


Organization and dictated program with theoretical and
practical classes.
CUSTOMER: partner of the institute Domanico Federico.
+54 9 3515902364

Jul 2016 - Jul 2018

WURZEL Furniture Company, Córdoba, AR, SALESPERSON / DESIGNER

Acessorship and furniture design, sales management.
Layout drawings for fabrication and 3D images for clients.
CUSTOMER: manager of the company Macaluso Jose.
+54 9 3514803974

Mar 2016 - Nov 2017


School of Architecture, Urban and Design planning., National University of Cordoba, Argentina., Bachelors, Architect

Feb 2008 - Dec 2018

Areas of Specialization 
