Ogulshat Amanova

Ogulshat Amanova

Chicago, IL, US


Sharing Architecture

This studio investigates and designs a new set of architectural infrastructures to accommodate a Sharing Architecture. While traditional models of real estate rely on price per square foot values and assume ownership by individuals, the future may bring new terms and criteria for ownership of Sharing Architecture through co-ops and memberships measured by our society’s demand for shared spaces. Co-living and co-working spaces open a new set of values that can be re-evaluated through architectural infrastructures. 
    The project’s goal is to provide shared space for individuals but at the same time providing privacy to the residents. The program of this project includes commercial spaces, residential spaces, and areas where these two separate individuals can use the space collectively. Shared spaces are identifiable from the exterior of the building. More private sectors are planar web systems wherein the other hand, shared space, is more three dimensional. Idea behind is to help people to identify the purpose of both areas.
    The structure of this design is a web structure with additional paneling due to the comfort of individuals.

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Status: School Project
Location: Chicago, IL, US