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How To Solve A Sky-High Commuting Conundrum

Traveling to the OHSU hospital via the aerial tram takes three minutes. Driving up the twisty mountain road is typically 20 minutes but can be up to 45 minutes depending on traffic. (Caption: NPR; photo: David P. Gilkey/NPR)

Traveling to the OHSU hospital via the aerial tram takes three minutes. Driving up the twisty mountain road is typically 20 minutes but can be up to 45 minutes depending on traffic. (Caption: NPR; photo: David P. Gilkey/NPR)

Traveling to the OHSU hospital via the aerial tram takes three minutes. Driving up the twisty mountain road is typically 20 minutes but can be up to 45 minutes depending on traffic. (Caption: NPR; photo: David P. Gilkey/NPR)