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After $6.4 Billion, San Francisco Bridge Remains a Mess

A view of the suspension-bridge section of the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. A replacement for the 1936 original bridge (left in photo), it was designed by a joint venture of T.Y. Lin International and Moffatt & Nicholls Engineers. It will open Sept. 3. Photographer: James S. Russell/Bloomberg

A view of the suspension-bridge section of the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. A replacement for the 1936 original bridge (left in photo), it was designed by a joint venture of T.Y. Lin International and Moffatt & Nicholls Engineers. It will open Sept. 3. Photographer: James S. Russell/Bloomberg

A view of the suspension-bridge section of the East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. A replacement for the 1936 original bridge (left in photo), it was designed by a joint venture of T.Y. Lin International and Moffatt & Nicholls Engineers. It will open Sept. 3. Photographer: James S. Russell/Bloomberg