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MVRDV Wins Housing Competition in Emmen, Switzerland

Aerial view of Urban Hybrid Emmen: 95 homes in 16 types (Image courtesy of MVRDV) Construction start is envisioned 2015 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) The village-like interior of the block with fruit trees and public and private gardens (Image courtesy of MVRDV) Each house and apartment will have its own facade color, based on regional historical color ranges (Image courtesy of MVRDV) Storyline (Image courtesy of MVRDV) General master plan (Image courtesy of MVRDV) Floor plans with perimeter sketch (Image courtesy of MVRDV) Housing catalog (Image courtesy of MVRDV) MF#1 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) MF#2 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) MF#3 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) MF#4 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) MF#5 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 23.5x4 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 6.5x5 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 7.5x4 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 7.5x4 2 story (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 7.5x4 2 story P (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 7.5x4 2 story Panorama (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 8.5x4 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 8.5x4 P (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 8x5 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 10x4 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 10x4 2 story (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 10x4 P (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 12x4 (Image courtesy of MVRDV) 200 section (Image courtesy of MVRDV) Long section (Image courtesy of MVRDV)

Floor plans with perimeter sketch (Image courtesy of MVRDV)

Floor plans with perimeter sketch (Image courtesy of MVRDV)