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Finalists of APPLIED Research Through Fabrication Competition

First Round Finalist in the categories Continuing Research and Speculative Research: FAB POD, SPIN-VALENCE, CAST THICKET, and LATENT METHODS (clock-wise from top-left) First Round Finalist - Continuing Research: FAB POD by Jane Burry and Nicholas Williams First Round Finalist - Continuing Research: SPIN-VALENCE by Emily Baker First Round Finalist - Speculative Proposal: CAST THICKET by Christine Yogiaman and Ken Tracy First Round Finalist - Speculative Proposal: LATENT METHODS by Eli Allen Honorable Mention - Continuing Research: CURVED DIE | CREASED STRUCTURE by Brigette Borders and Justin Fabrikant Honorable Mention - Speculative Proposal: RE-FLEX by Hernan Molina, Jordan Kepsel, Brendan O'Grady, Aaron Shenefelt, Michael Cagle, Jonathan LeMaster, Hon Yan Mok, Sang Yoon Kim, Dustin Wekesser, Rickey Crum and Robert Ting

First Round Finalist - Speculative Proposal: LATENT METHODS by Eli Allen

First Round Finalist - Speculative Proposal: LATENT METHODS by Eli Allen