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The Top 10 Pieces Of Folly Architecture

The Dunmore Pineapple, built in 1761, is said to 'rank as the most bizarre building in Scotland.' The building, home to the Earls of Dunmore, contained a hothouse, used for, you guessed it, growing pineapples.

The Dunmore Pineapple, built in 1761, is said to 'rank as the most bizarre building in Scotland.' The building, home to the Earls of Dunmore, contained a hothouse, used for, you guessed it, growing pineapples.

The Dunmore Pineapple, built in 1761, is said to "rank as the most bizarre building in Scotland." The building, home to the Earls of Dunmore, contained a hothouse, used for, you guessed it, growing pineapples.