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Mark Foster Gage wants to propose this Game of Thrones-like skyscraper for NYC

41 West 57th Street a.k.a. The Khaleesi. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. The sky lobby on the 64th floor of the proposed 'Khaleesi' skyscraper on 41 West 57th Street. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. 41 West 57th Street a.k.a. The Khaleesi. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. 41 West 57th Street a.k.a. The Khaleesi. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. 41 West 57th Street a.k.a. The Khaleesi. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. Site context for 41 West 57th Street. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. Elevation - top. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. Elevation - body. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. Elevation - base. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. Elevation - sky lobby. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects. Robotic stonecarving research at Yale University, where Mark Foster Gage is assistant dean of the School of Architecture. Robotic stonecarving research at Yale University, where Mark Foster Gage is assistant dean of the School of Architecture.

Elevation - body. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects.

Elevation - body. Image: Mark Foster Gage Architects.