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What does Canada's new Prime Minister mean for architecture?

Designs for the future: Trudeau's party endorses 'liveability' of cities Inside the Art Gallery of Ontario by fellow Canadian architect Frank Gehry (photo via davidgiralphoto.com) Rebecca Bayer and Matthew Soules in front of 'City Fabric' in Vancouver, British Columbia. Some of these designs by Gregory Henriquez, Bjarke Ingels, Ole Scheeren and Kengo Kuma for newly proposed Vancouver condo towers (or in the case of BIG, already under construction), are getting the city's hopes up for a more exciting architecture. (Image via cbc.ca)

Rebecca Bayer and Matthew Soules in front of 'City Fabric' in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Rebecca Bayer and Matthew Soules in front of "City Fabric" in Vancouver, British Columbia.