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Copenhagen Tops List of the 20 Most Bike-Friendly Cities

Rush-hour in Copenhagen, the world's #1 bike-friendly city according to an annual ranking. Credit: Wikipedia Initiatives like the 'Cykelslangen,' a bright orange, elevated bike path, have helped make Copenhagen the number one most 'bike-friendly' city in the world. Credit: Wikipedia Amsterdam has an extensive network of bicycle infrastructure, such as this 3-story bike parking lot at Centraal train station. Credit: Wikipedia A crowded bike parking lot in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Credit: Wikipedia Strasbourg's succesful 'Vélhop' bike share system helped secure its place as the #4 most bike-friendly city. Credit: Wikipedia The 'Hovenring,' an elevated, bike-only roundabout connects the municipalities of Eindhoven, Veldhoven and Meerhoven. Credit: Wikipedia A double-decker bike rack at the Malmö train station. Credit: Wikipedia 'Bicloo,' the bike-sharing system in Nantes, France. Credit: Wikipedia The 'V-Cub' is Bordeaux's bike-sharing program. Credit: Wikipedia Antwerp's 'Velo' bike-sharing program along one of the city's main shopping streets, the Meir. Credit: Wikipedia Sevilla, the capital city of Andalusia, beat out Barcelona for the top Spanish city on this year's list. Credit: Wikipedia A 'bicing' station in Barcelona. Credit: Wikipedia 'Call a bike,' a bike hiring system, in front of the Brandenburg Gate. Credit: Wikipedia Bike stands in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Credit: Wikipedia Buenos Aires comes in as the top South American city on the list. Credit: Wikipedia A 'Dublin Bikes' station on the Custom House Quay. Credit: Wikipedia A traffic light in Vienna lets cyclists know when to stop and when to go. Credit: Wikipedia The 'Velib' has been very popular in Paris. Credit: Wikipedia Minneapolis is the only American city to make the top 20. Credit: Wikipedia A row of 'Call a bikes' in Hamburg. Credit: Wikipedia 'Bixi' bike docks in Montreal. Credit: Wikipedia

A double-decker bike rack at the Malmö train station. Credit: Wikipedia

A double-decker bike rack at the Malmö train station. Credit: Wikipedia