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Relocation or Adaptation: Is a 2-Degree Limit for Global Warming Not Enough?

According to some, our current goals to fight global warming may not be enough. Image: An artist's imagining of a flooded New York City. Credit: Andrea Della Adriano/Flickr Because the building sector accounts for a sizeable majority of both energy consumption and CO2 emission, changing architecture and construction practices are integral to mitigating the global warming. But while still considered possible, many of the most significant efforts to enact such change use the 2 degee limit as a goal. Credit: Jakob Montrasio/Flickr While it's unclear what exactly is needed to strive for even more extreme global reduction of emissions and energy use, it would certainly mean that things can't continue as they are currently. Image credit: Salim Virji / Flickr

While it's unclear what exactly is needed to strive for even more extreme global reduction of emissions and energy use, it would certainly mean that things can't continue as they are currently. Image credit: Salim Virji / Flickr

While it's unclear what exactly is needed to strive for even more extreme global reduction of emissions and energy use, it would certainly mean that things can't continue as they are currently. Image credit: Salim Virji / Flickr