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Neighbor, can you spare a dime? CityLab conference considers sharing economy's urban impact

 Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of The Aspen Institute, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti at CityLab 2014. Melanie Leigh Wilbur/courtesy of CityLab, image via scpr.org. The Atlantic magazine's James Bennett (left) talks with Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky (middle) and Kirklees, England Council Leader David Sheard at CityLab 2014. Image via citiscope.com. CityLab 2014's venue, the J.W. Marriot in Los Angeles' downtown. Photo credit Amelia Taylor-Hochberg.

CityLab 2014's venue, the J.W. Marriot in Los Angeles' downtown. Photo credit Amelia Taylor-Hochberg.

CityLab 2014's venue, the J.W. Marriot in Los Angeles' downtown. Photo credit Amelia Taylor-Hochberg.