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PBS' premiere of "Time Scanners" brings 3D digital preservation technology to a wider audience

Point Cloud & CGI Image of the Great Pyramid in Giza. Courtesy of Atlantic Productions Steve Burrows and Dallas Campbell at St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Courtesy of Oliver Graham/Atlantic Productions Malcolm Williamson checking the progress of the scans from the Leica C10 scanner at the Great pyramid of Giza. Courtesy of Alex Rowson/Atlantic Productions Point Cloud & GGI image of St Paul's Cathedral. Courtesy of Atlantic Productions The Great Model of St. Paul's Cathedral by Christopher Wren. This is situated in the Trophy Room at St. Paul's Cathedral. Courtesy of Oliver Graham/Atlantic Productions Point Cloud & CGI Image of the Monastery, Petra. Courtesy of Atlantic Productions The scanning team looking up at the Monastery, the largest monument at Petra, Jordan. Courtesy of Emma Pound/Atlantic Productions

Point Cloud & GGI image of St Paul's Cathedral. Courtesy of Atlantic Productions

Point Cloud & GGI image of St Paul's Cathedral. Courtesy of Atlantic Productions