Qiuyi Li

Qiuyi Li

Christiansburg, VA, US


The Decaying Whale Pavilion

Sustainable design is a widely discussed topic in the field of architecture. While advanced technology has made it more accessible, I firmly believe that nature serves as the ultimate mentor. By comprehending the cyclic patterns of life, we can envision a regenerative project that seamlessly integrates with nature. 

This thesis delves into the concepts of decay and regeneration, drawing inspiration from whale falls through the Neo-Zoomorphic approach. Designed a pavilion at the border of Pandapas Pond wetland and forest, Transformed the whale's body into a structure and enclosure. Used the Joinery system at all connections, and all components would be constructed from biodegradable materials. Over time, the project gracefully decomposes, harmoniously returning to its natural surroundings without the need for any intervention.

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Status: School Project
Location: Blacksburg, VA, US