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Facebook Willow Campus Village

Facebook has engaged OMA to design the masterplan for Willow Campus, a mixed-use neighborhood adjacent to their existing headquarters in Menlo Park. The Willow Campus masterplan design has been conceived by OMA’s New York office and Partner Shohei Shigematsu, who commented: “It’s exciting to collaborate with Facebook, whose innovation in networking and social media extends to urban ambitions for connectivity in the Bay Area. The Willow Campus masterplan creates a sense of place with diverse programming that responds to the needs of the Menlo Park community. The site has the potential to impact the future of regional transportation, housing, and environment.”

From Facebook’s full statement from John Tenanes, VP of Global Faculties and Real Estate: “Working with the community, our goal for the Willow Campus is to create an integrated, mixed-use village that will provide much needed services, housing and transit solutions as well as office space. Part of our vision is to create a neighborhood center that provides long-needed community services. We plan to build 125,000 square feet of new retail space, including a grocery store, pharmacy and additional community-facing retail.

Housing is critically important to these efforts. We hope to contribute significantly to the housing supply by building 1,500 units of housing on the campus, 15% of which will be offered at below market rates. This added on-site housing should also mitigate traffic impacts from growth.

The region’s failure to continue to invest in our transportation infrastructure alongside growth has led to congestion and delay. Willow Campus will be an opportunity to catalyze regional transit investment by providing planned density sufficient to support new east-west connections and a future transit center.

Our hope is to create a physical space that supports our community and builds on our existing programs.

The design was led by OMA in collaboration with Atelier 10 (Sustainability), CMG (Landscape), Fehr & Peers (Mobility and Transportation), Mobility in Chain (Mobility and Transportation), PAE (MEP Engineering).

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Menlo Park, CA, US
Firm Role: Transportation planner
Additional Credits: OMA NY