Martin van der Linden

Martin van der Linden

Tokyo, JP


Group M

There is a quote by Hilbersheim about the the single room as a factor of urban configuration. Hilbersheim wrote this in 1927, his idea was that the elementary cell, the single room would be the driving factor of urban configuration in a large city. This quote has been hunting me for years, as in Tokyo nothing could be more true. 

An office for a group of three related marketing companies sharing reception and meeting rooms. We designed the reception with the meeting rooms as 3 free standing spaces. Each room has a yellow tinted window, as a reference to the coloured views a marketing firm presents of the world to their clients and to us the consumers. Inside these meeting room we printed large panoramas at the same level as the windows. The West room has images of Kyoto, The South of Okinawa and East has pictures of the Tokyo ward of Shinjuku.  

Keywords: Tokyo Marketing Office, Yellow Tinted Windows, Japan Cubes

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Status: Built
Location: Tokyo, JP
My Role: Architect