Joshua Milgram

Joshua Milgram

Flagstaff, AZ, US

Example Pieces - A failure and a success.
Example Pieces - A failure and a success.

Artificial Intelligence for Occupational Safety

Open-source Experimental Software, for Rhinoceros or outline, written in IronPython.

The software accepts one-click of a closed polysurface as input, and highlights both non-tangent edges and under-radius edges; thus I dubbed it the 'Edge Rounding Standard Cautioner'. (The orange lines in the graphic were created by the program, to caution for edges)

Meant to be used by designers, CAD-managers, fabricators, contractors and anyone in edifice and/or product design. It's processing intensive, so recommended for workstations.

How to:

(1) Create an orange layer and set it current.

(2) Run the .py script.

(3) Click a Closed Polysurface.

(4) The Program Analyzes the intersections of all surfaces. If tangent, tests radii. If radii are adequate, the intersection passes. Any cautions are tallied, summarized and highlighted on screen.


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Status: Unbuilt
My Role: Computer Programmer