
illegal Czar list


Obama's Czar list now totals 39!

Here is the 07/24/09 UPDATED LIST.

These people are non-elected officials who have control over your life. You can't fire them. You can't even call your legislator or Congressman and complain.
Each one of these czars is a violation of power granted to the president in Article II of the United States.

1. Afghanistan Czar: Richard Holbrooke
2. AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley
3. Behavioral Science Czar: Not appointed yet
4. Bailout Czar: Neel Kashkari
5. Border Czar: Alan Bersin (Former US attorney)
6. California (Federal) Water Czar: David J. Hayes
7. Car Czar: Ron Bloom
8. Climate Czar: Todd Stern
9. Copyright Czar: Not appointed yet
10. Cyberspace/Internet Fraud Czar: Melissa Hathaway
11. Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske
12. Economic Czar: Paul Volcker
13. Education Czar: Arne Duncan
15. Faith-Based Czar: Joshua Dubois
16. Great Lakes Czar: Cameron Davis
17. Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones
18. Guantanomo Closure Czar: Danny Fried
19. Health Care Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle
20. Information Czar: Vivek Kundra
21. Intelligence Czar: Admiral Dennis Blair
22. Latin-American Czar: Arturo Valenzuela
23. Mideast Policy Czar: Dennis Ross
24. Middle-East Peace Czar: George Mitchell
25. Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg
26. Performance Czar: Jeffrey Zients
27. Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein
28. ‘Safe Schools’ Czar: Kevin Jennings
29. Science Czar: John Holdren
30. Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney
31. Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration
32. Tarp Czar: Herb Allison
33. Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra
34. Terrorism Czar: John Brennan
35. Urban Affairs/Housing Czar: Adolfo Carrion
36. Violence Against Women Czar: Lynn Rosenthal
37. War Czar: Douglas Lute
38. Weapons Czar: Ashton Carter
39. WMD Czar: Gary Samore

...and growing daily

More details:


Joe Biden - B, CFR
Vice President

Hillary Rodham Clinton - B, T, CFR
Secretary of State

Special Envoys to Hilary Clinton:

Richard Holbrooke - B, T, CFR
George Mitchell - B, CFR

Tim Geithner - B, T, CFR
Dept. of Treasury

Paul Volcker - B, T, CFR
Econ. Recovery Advisor
Additional notes: North American chairman of Trilateral Commission. Federal Reserve Chairman during Carter and Reagan Administrations. President of Federal Reserve Bank. Chairman of Rothschild Wolfenstein Company.

Rahm Emanuel
Cheif of Staff
No affiliations found. Additional notes: Member of Israeli Defense Force; staunch Zionist; Father was member of Israeli Irgun terrorist group.

Laurence Summers - B, T, CFR
National Economic Council
Additional Notes: Treasury Secretary for Clinton Administration. Former President of Harvard University. Brookings Institute board member.

Bill Richardson - B, CFR
Commerce Secretary

Tom Daschle - B, CFR
Health Secretary

Janet Napolitano - CFR
Homeland Security Director

Gen. James L. Jones - B, T
Security Advisor

Robert M. Gates - B, CFR
Department of Defense

Eric Holder
Attorney General
No known affiliations

Ken Salazar - B, T, CFR
Dept. of Interior

Thomas Vilsack - B, CFR
Dept. of Agriculture

Hilda Solis - T
Dept. of Labor

Shaun Donovan - T, CFR
Dept. of Housing & Urban Dvlpmt

Raymond Lathood
Dept. of Trasportation
No known affiliations

Steven Chu - CFR
Dept. of Energy

Arne Duncan - T
Dept. of Education

Eric Shinseki - T, CFR
Dept. of V.A.

Christine Romer - CFR
Council of Economic Advisors

Lisa Jackson
Enviromental Protection Agency
No known affiliations

Peter Orszag - B, T, CFR
Office of Management & Budget

Richard Kirk - B
US Trade Representative

Susan Rice - CFR
Ambassador to UN
Rhodes Scholar

Aug 2, 09 8:56 pm

but there just policy experts right?

Aug 2, 09 10:21 pm  · 

Where do I apply to be a member of this Bildenberger group? That would look amazing on my CV.

Aug 3, 09 4:55 am  · 
brian buchalski

is this true? i thought "czars" were russians? what are they doing in the united states?

Aug 3, 09 8:50 am  · 

it would be pretty cool to start a restaurant called 'build-a-burger'

Aug 3, 09 10:49 am  · 

um, they are policy advisors... and 39-2(not appointed yet)=37.

several are approved by congress.

none of the cabinet is elected either.

bush added 12 czar positions anti, why weren't you all whiny and concerned then? stop reading wnd, it'll do a body good.

bildenberger... did you mean bilderberg group. f*ckin illuminati and sh*t! onoz!

max, it's called the counter

Aug 3, 09 11:57 am  · 

when i don't want to pretend that i know everything (because i don't, you know), i love to surround myself with smart people who know lots of things and then get those people to give me advice. then i can make decisions based on whether i agree with them or not.

Aug 3, 09 12:06 pm  · 

i should note that i knew, when voting for obama, that his experience was not broad enough to make him an expert in everything. i told people at the time that i was voting for what i saw as his ability and willingness to apply smart people to tough problems.

as opposed to a patriachical-decider-in-a-bunker mentality. looks like it's working!

Aug 3, 09 12:10 pm  · 

In the executive branch of the US government, only the president is elected. So what's the deal with having Czars appointed by the president?

If I remember my history correctly, Ronald Reagan was the first to appoint interdepartmental coordinators (aka 'Czars) for specific subjects that fell into multiple jurisdictions. Government isn't the problem, smart government is part of the solution.

Aug 3, 09 1:13 pm  · 
brian buchalski

"czars" have absolute can any of you actually be comfortable with that? if obama is so intelligent, then why does he insist on using a loaded term like "czar" instead of just calling them advisors?

Aug 3, 09 2:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Better to call them "czar" than "architect", that's all I can say...;-)

Aug 3, 09 3:02 pm  · 


Since I, too, love conspiracy theories, I'll jump into the sandbox with you.

You forgot to mention what the CFR really stands for. For 70+ years the CFR has controlled national governments and multinational corporations, and is also in full control of all major media outlets. Since the 30's, nearly every US President, Secratary of State and Secretary of War has been CFR. Now, thanks to Obama, we can add Czars to the list. The CFR's primary goal: to push the agenda of the New World Order into the lives of every American.

Early on in the 2008 campaign, Obama was asked if he was a CFR member. You can download video of him fumbling for an answer. He said something like, "well, it's not like they give you a membership card to carry around". I don't believe he had the teleprompter in front of him for that one. In any case, he declined to admit that he was affiliated.

Dick Cheney hid his CFR affiliation for quite some time. He was also outted at a press conference. His response was something like, "oh, my bad...guess I forgot to fill America in on this small detail".

Back to illegal czars. What a curious coincidence that nearly every czar is CFR. Regardless of what they CAN do, the disturbing part is what they represent. Government intervention and control of our country.

Aug 3, 09 3:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

"conspiracy" is not the right word. it implies an entity that is has control and is monolithic in nature. it's better to think of it as an oligarchy...and here's the thing, to outsiders it may appear to be a conspiracy, but the truth is that within the ruling classes there is actual an incredible amount of competing forces at play. case study available here

Aug 3, 09 6:01 pm  · 

oh man, this means i cant do anything about the "safe schools" czar?? or the AIDS czar? GREEN JOBS czar. jeez. the liberal media. i want all of these people out of their jobs immediately! I mean obama can kick them out right? like gonzales and rove kicked out those awful attorneys?

seriously, though, the Safe Schools czar? That's amazing that exists.

Aug 22, 09 9:39 pm  · 

people trying to make the world better. Psha! The nerve of them. We should just stop trying to fix all these problems in the world! Like Aids and School shootings! Big Goverment.... how horibble.

Oct 4, 09 3:50 pm  · 

Let's ask our president to have an Architecture Czar to regulate all these BS in our profession.

Oct 4, 09 5:50 pm  · 

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