
working in the heatwave

who else is suffering in the heatwave?

here in amsterdam it is forecast for 38deg C tomorrow. inside an office without a/c, and sitting on the southwest side that aint pleasant.

to try and make us feel better our receptionists bring around icecreams in the afternoon. i think taking the day off is a better solution.

Jul 18, 06 9:12 am
liberty bell

Sorry to hear it, p2an. The midwest US is also suffering under a heat wave. But I work in an air-conditioned house in the basement: believe it or not, yesterday afternoon I had to put a fleece jacket on over my summer dress because it got chilly down here! Today I'm wearing a suit (jacket and pants) and still feel quite comfy. People turn their AC way too high here in the humid Midwest, in my opinion.

Worst thing about hot office work is how your skin sticks to the trace you are trying to sketch on - yech.

Jul 18, 06 9:23 am  · 

yeah, the underside of my mouse arm keeps sticking to my desk...ewww!

Jul 18, 06 9:32 am  · 
liberty bell

A tip for everyone sweating it out at the office, learned back in Arizona's 115 degree summers: cold water tastes good when you're hot, but if you really need to replenish liquids because you've been sweating, you need to drink room temperature water. Have a sip of icy cold for the refreshment, but then drink a full glass of room temp - it goes down easier.

Jul 18, 06 10:00 am  · 

to add, your body uses energy to warm up the cold water, so room temp will replenish without taxing the body...

oh, and I live in Florida, hot and humid summer as usual.

Jul 18, 06 10:28 am  · 

yeah... it's always hot down here in florida... quit yo' bitchin... :)

Jul 18, 06 2:18 pm  · 

our air conditioning broke down 4 weeks ago, and my boss has yet to fix it. he manages to be out of the office at "meetings" for 95% of the day, while we sweat like pigs. by 3 pm I feel like I'm going to pass out. he did however have someone pull out all of the asbestos lined ducting and throw it in the dumpster out back.

Jul 18, 06 4:37 pm  · 

I have window AC units - they help but they're struggling today. I think it's supposed to be 15 degrees cooler tomorrow though, right?

I had to go climb around on a roof earlier. It was so hot I got dizzy and nauseous. I couldn't remember at the time what I learned in highschool first-aid class about those symptoms, but the obvious first-aid seemed to be "get off the roof."

Jul 18, 06 6:09 pm  · 

there's always a 'heat wave' here in arizona. 115 is a normal thing here haha.

Jul 18, 06 6:14 pm  · 

there's always a 'heat wave' here in arizona. 115 is a normal thing here haha.

Jul 18, 06 6:14 pm  · 

Me, every single summer.
Can you believe that my university shut the AC down when the lessons are over and we have to take our exams and study at the library sweating like pigs.
The solution would be to open the windows, but the facade is curtain wall with no openings.
Have you ever tried drawing with a pencil on a white piece of paper when your arm is fully wet? And that piece of sheet is a part of your exam?

Jul 18, 06 6:45 pm  · 

My grad school didn't have any AC. A pretty large number of the so-called top-20 M.Arch programs didn't have any AC as recently as about 10 years ago (yeah most of them are in the northeast, not Arizona or Florida, but still, it does reach high 90s - if not 100 - in the northeast.) I've noticed in doing the guest critic circuit that most of them have it or are in the process of renovations to include it these days.

My undergrad school only ran the AC in the dorms in September, and would not turn it on in the spring. Students' theory on that was that in the fall it was on so the parents could see that the building had it, when they dropped off their new freshman.

The first three firms I worked in had no AC.

Jul 18, 06 7:20 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I second LB's advise ... a year ago, my car broke down in Blythe, California. Temperatures rose to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. I rode in a tow truck and drank some water that came straight from a package ... the minute I drank something that was really cold at a restaurant, I became nauseated. Your body can do some weird things in th extreme heat.

Jul 18, 06 7:42 pm  · 

no heatwave in seattle. it was 72 yesterday and it is 75 today. no humidity and sunny skies. i grew up in DC. i swear i will never move back. the summers were miserable.

Jul 18, 06 7:46 pm  · 

It was a 107 here today with the heat index at 114! Mmmm, Summer!

Jul 18, 06 7:52 pm  · 
vado retro

what are you guys roofers? you work in air conditioning live in air conditioning commute in air conditioning. god its not even that hot out.

Jul 18, 06 11:28 pm  · 


Jul 19, 06 12:07 am  · 

not me. my car's a/c broke a while back and i have to drive that jalopy in florida's hot/humid weather. it's not fun when you're waiting at a busy intersection, inhaling everyone else's exhaust, and there isn't even a breeze...

Jul 19, 06 12:22 am  · 
Darren Hodgson

34 degrees here in blighty, we very rarely get it this hot so most of us ain't complaining! Although I did have to navigate london underground yesterday and that certainly wasn't pleasant. Sardines in a sauna.

Jul 19, 06 6:07 am  · 

yeah, travelling on undergrounds in the heat aint nice. it amazes me how many ppl seem to not have heard of deodourant. far too many bad smelling ppl around if you ask me.

Jul 19, 06 7:21 am  · 

34 dC in my portacabin in Kent, UK. Bring the sun on, I love it.

DH- I've been travelling down here every week by train and the Bakerloo line has been the worst during the last few weeks as you pass through London. Today I've driven down in the car - roof off naturally.

Jul 19, 06 9:12 am  · 

Hot off the press.

The Met Office has also said that there is a 30% chance the all-time UK temperature record - which currently stands at 38.5C, and was recorded on August 10, 2003, in Faversham, Kent - will be broken today.

Thats down the road so a few degrees to go yet.

Jul 19, 06 9:14 am  · 
Darren Hodgson

BOTS - don't blame you my friend, i'm in peterborough and its touching 33-34 at the moment, luckily the office aircon is keeping me nice and cool. Wish I could take the roof of my motor but I shall just have to do with the air con. Plus why the hell did I buy a black car?

p2an - Totally agree with you about the deodarant, the tube I was in hummed of bodily odour. Yeuch.

Jul 19, 06 9:26 am  · 

Darren - black car is not a problem, mine's black- the fixed roof is the problem!

Jul 19, 06 10:26 am  · 

Well it's the day after and while the temp record was broken for July we didn't manage to get over 38.5. Theres always August to come!

Jul 20, 06 4:34 am  · 
Darren Hodgson

36.3 is hot enough for me!

Jul 20, 06 5:20 am  · 
Christopher Daniel

British cities were just not built for this kind of heat. In other countries, other cities, it's quite possible to get on with life at far higher (or lower) temperatures than the UK has traditionally had to contend with. Nowadays we're being told we're going to have warmer summers and colder winters. With that in mind, I reckon pretty much every building in the UK is going to need a re-fit just to deal with the weather, let alone lower the energy wastage that is contributing to the causes of these extremes.

In London everything starts breaking down if it gets anywhere north of 30+ degrees. It all also goes to shit in winter if we even get a thin dusting of snow. Sigh.

Bring on the rain. At least that's an element our architecture was designed for.

Jul 20, 06 8:58 am  · 
Darren Hodgson

Britain wasn't designed for any weather full stop, if you get extreme heat, aircon goes to pot goes it can't cope with the demand, rise in air con and fan use means an increase in energy usage and the national grid can't cope with the demand, the roads start to melt, train have to slow down because of heat causing the rails to warp. If you get snow or extreme colds, the traffic network goes down the pan, roads freeze over.

The problem is Britain has no definate climate, no hot season, no rainy season, no cold season, like some countries, it fluctuates rapidly throughout the year, and the definitions of seasons are going out the window too, winter was relatively mild this year and blended in with spring, and now the summer is going loopy hot.

Rain and wind is about all we can be guaranteed.

Jul 20, 06 9:12 am  · 

38° in Paris.
I wish i had an internship in winter.

Jul 21, 06 10:18 am  · 

Wasn't there a big heat wave in France in 2003 where thousands of old people died? In 2000 I was traveling through Berlin where it topped 40c one day. You guys should be getting used to this weather by now.

Jul 21, 06 10:39 am  · 

UK weather is our national obsession. 4 seasons in 1 day is not uncommon. Whatever the weather we will bitch about it - too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry...

Jul 21, 06 11:02 am  · 
vado retro
Jul 21, 06 11:25 am  · 

e... spoke too soon...?

Jul 22, 06 12:06 am  · 

bRink, no shit. i should have never opened my mouth. although it still does not compare to the dog days of summer in DC.

Jul 22, 06 12:25 am  · 
Jul 22, 06 12:29 am  · 


Jul 22, 06 12:38 am  · 

true... the pacific northwest gets a hot spell and its like the end of the world, people walking on the streets all look like hey've been hit by a plague or somethin... back east, today would be just another day...

is it me, or is the sun here alot brighter here than out east? i walked outside for lunch today and it was like going out into the sahara... it was blinding... maybe we need to build up a nice hazy layer of smog to diffuse the sun a bit to prevent it from blinding us...

Jul 22, 06 1:11 am  · 

i hear you bRink i've definitely gotten soft since i left the right coast. the temps push mid-eighties and i melt. i stilll enjoy the heat though. the thing i miss about living out east is the ability to sit outside every night in the summer without getting a chill. can't do that here. still wouldn't move back though.

Jul 22, 06 1:34 am  · 

true... actually i like the heat, i kindof like the edge it gives... intense heat, nice nights, and then just when it becomes totally unbearable, maybe some rain that makes a brief period of cooler and fresher air.

when i was living in an apartment in boston near boston u, i used to sit, legs out on the fire escape at night, and every night in the summer i'd see other people sitting out at their windows too... and all around people sitting out on balconies at night chatting... neighbours felt sort of like comrades in arms after a long hard hot summer day working in the city... sometimes when the weather here gets too mild, i miss the east... warm summer nights are nice... but then i think back to riding a jam packed commuter train in the summer, zipping along in a human stroodle... which brakes down and you are basically baking alive with a bunch of sweaty stinky people all suffocating in the sun, and seattle seems pretty sweet...

summer nights here are kindof nice too... but i definitely hear you on the chill...

Jul 22, 06 2:03 am  · 

I have yet to find a hotel in Europe that has airconditioning and at the same time charges normal american rates.

Jul 22, 06 6:46 am  · 
vado retro

here u go orhan lovin spoonful its a great great vid

Jul 22, 06 10:13 am  · 
liberty bell

Cool enough this morning that I have the windows open and the attic fan on. Attic fans: a concept I had never heard of until I moved to the heartland. And I start my mornings now by talking about the weather.

I'm such a frickin' Midwesterner.

Jul 22, 06 10:15 am  · 
vado retro

watch the video!

Jul 22, 06 10:17 am  · 
liberty bell

vado we were simul-posting. But your video is for summer in the city, which where we are ain't.

Jul 22, 06 10:20 am  · 
vado retro

speaking of riots. when martin luther king jr. was murdered, bobby kennedy happened to be on the campaign trail and was here in indy. his call for restraint ended in indianapolis not experience some of the consequences that other cities experienced. the shots in the video predate that tragedy.

Jul 22, 06 10:29 am  · 

vado,i figured out the way posting clickable pics. same goes w/ mungo jerry above. just click on the pic. ;)
stay cool guys.

*html trick; just insert the picture code where the link link is...hmmm.

Jul 22, 06 2:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aww, Orhan, you are such an enabler for vado's YouTube addiction!!!!!

Oh well - it's more fun to see the image than just have a link anyway.

Jul 22, 06 8:12 pm  · 

Temperature is picking up again. France looking HOT.

Heatwave toll rises across France

HORA SEXTO anyone?

Jul 24, 06 6:03 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Just another reason to appreciate living in a place designed to deal with heat. A/C everywhere. And since it's always at or close to 100 in Texas, so there really is no heatwave, it's just July.

Jul 24, 06 6:24 pm  · 

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