
London under attack!


Jul 7, 05 6:00 am

Jul 7, 05 6:02 am  · 

11:02am The pictures coming in from around the city are truly shocking. Down near Holborn there's a bus - possibly one of the big tourist buses that are a fixture on the London streets - with its top floor ripped apart. One report talks of the injured being operated on in the concourse at Liverpool Street station.

10:55am There are now reports of another bomb going off - in Houndsitch, near Liverpool Street in the City of London.

Jul 7, 05 6:06 am  · 

London is a dysfunctional city, as is New York: one wonders why such places would want to have the major disruptions and strains of the Olympics. Seems silly, to me. Infrastructures strained to the limit...
We have, as architects to rethink our theory of the city, what is and what is not possible and desireable...

Jul 7, 05 6:08 am  · 

the streets are filled with people - no one was panicking. I start work at 10 am so was wondering at the extra pedestrians (I don't listen to radio in the mornings): the 38 route from covent garden to farringdon gave no indication as to what had happened. It wasn't until I arrived at the office that I discovered what occurred.

John, at this moment I wonder what you are talking about

Jul 7, 05 6:15 am  · 

Police have confirmed there have been blasts on three different buses.

Jul 7, 05 6:17 am  · 

john get a life. if you think that any city can deal with multiple attachs you are living in a bubble. london has had years of terrorist problems and it works extremely well.

listening to bbc, a fellow just came on and said that its not transformer and the fact that all the police in london were moved to scottland for the g8 it was very calculated and the yesterdays 2012 announcement was the combined move. blair to talk at 12 gmt [40 min]

Jul 7, 05 6:21 am  · 

jump said just yesterday with regard to 2012
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Total Comments: 178
07/06/05 19:58

hope this means they'll finally get the tube and buses sorted.

How quickly we careen from the mass hysteria of success to the mass hysteria of disaster!

Jul 7, 05 6:35 am  · 

if you quote it even from an idiot, its yours

Jul 7, 05 6:50 am  · 

Is it a busy line? are you guys ok§? I have good friends at Foster's office, is it far away?

Jul 7, 05 6:56 am  · 

fosters is south of the river - so unless they are commuting from they north probalby ok

Jul 7, 05 7:02 am  · 

call a land line instead of a cell....if posssible

Jul 7, 05 7:02 am  · 

7 blasts total.......

Jul 7, 05 7:06 am  · 

I've checked and it's south. I've send them atext message, so hopefully they'll get it.
I almost had forgotten about those terrorist morrons. Fuck, they probably had it planned for ANY of the cities that were in the olympic competition. Or maybe it's not completely related and they were aiming London anyway since there's the G8 summit in Scotland...

Jul 7, 05 7:09 am  · 

I've checked and it's south. I've send them atext message, so hopefully they'll get it.
I almost had forgotten about those terrorist morrons. Fuck, they probably had it planned for ANY of the cities that were in the olympic competition. Or maybe it's not completely related and they were aiming London anyway since there's the G8 summit in Scotland...

Jul 7, 05 7:11 am  · 

wow, i am finding out more about whats happening here than any of the other online news sources--- i just cant get through to any of them-- esp the BBC. the stuff on cnn is 2 hours old.

what i know: almost all national trains coming into london have stopped., buses are packed. this evening's rush hour is going to be bad, as it's all buses.

i might walk for an hour then take the bus home.

Jul 7, 05 7:17 am  · 

BOTS news feed is running well this morning ;-)

All main line trains from the East are terminating at Reading for the moment. The public are warned to stay clear of London for non-essential journeys. A Network Rail spokesman said southbound services into the capital were terminating at Watford, with no onward bus transfers.

News of the explosions caused a 160 point drop on the FTSE 100.

Jul 7, 05 7:21 am  · 

British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before today's explosions they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.

Israel was holding an economic conference near the scene of one of the explosions. Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend, but the attacks occurred before he arrived.

Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy and said warnings of possible attacks had been received, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.

Jul 7, 05 7:22 am  · 


when they are too quick the blame folks wrongly like the arabs + oklahoma city bombing...

Jul 7, 05 7:45 am  · 

The finger pointing is gaining pace.

Security experts said the incidents bore all the hallmarks of an al-Qaida attack.

"If we what are looking at is a simultaneous bombing - and it does look like that - it would very certainly fit the classic al-Qaida methodology," said Shane Brighton, intelligence expert at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence.

Jul 7, 05 7:52 am  · 

scotland yard has now confirmed 3 blasts underground + 1 on a double-decker bus.

Jul 7, 05 7:53 am  · 

is there anything us Yanks can do for you Brits?

Jul 7, 05 7:57 am  · 

Our prayers to you all

Jul 7, 05 8:22 am  · 

i wonder what tony blair thinks of the "fight 'em in iraq so we don't have to fight 'em here" strategy now?

Jul 7, 05 8:52 am  · 

this is terrible. our best wishes to all of those involved.

Jul 7, 05 8:53 am  · 

norm, with all due respect, give it a rest.

Jul 7, 05 8:55 am  · 

when they are too quick the blame folks wrongly like the arabs + oklahoma city bombing..."


what...? what did i say?

all i said, was I was going to walk home and not take the bus!!!

you got me blaming arabs from that???

and yes, i remember oklahoma and how everyone pointed fingers a bit too quickly....

Jul 7, 05 9:00 am  · 

JohnDevlin, where do you live? And how did you gain such an expert opinion of New York?

Jul 7, 05 9:11 am  · 

giving it a rest won't bring change. giving it a rest would be un-patriotic. giving it a rest means their incompetence is acceptable. it isn't.

Jul 7, 05 9:22 am  · 

This is very sad. I feel bad for everyone affected by this stupid attack by complete cowards. Show us your faces and get out of your caves/remote villages!

Clearly Al Qaida is trying to hit major transportation infrastructure.

Jul 7, 05 9:23 am  · 

norm, you know my views. i totally agree with you. but just for the moment, i say its more important to offer support to those who are suffering. when the wounded have been taken care of, and the dead have been collected, then i'll wager my opinions.
for the moment i just hope that as many people as possible can be found and cared for in time to prevent even more mourning.

Jul 7, 05 9:33 am  · 

this is terrorism...the intentional murder and maiming of completely innocent people

grieve for the loss of life and injury

Jul 7, 05 9:35 am  · 

only that you were expecting updated info newer than 2 hours

Jul 7, 05 9:40 am  · 

its insane. i managed to contact my friends and all are ok thank god.

watching the news the cops and other emergency workers look to be doing a fantastic job though. its good to see they were totally prepared for even this crazy shit.

[ btw, johndevlin, i agree with Simon, man, what the fuck are you talking about? you seriously using a terrorist attack as forum for your dislike of urbanism?... an i never said london was dyfunctional. london's one of the best cities i've lived in. don be quotin out o context now. ]

Jul 7, 05 9:40 am  · 

amen brother jump...... didnt think you were trashing london......

Jul 7, 05 9:54 am  · 

stupid terrorist bastards... i love london, LEAVE IT ALONE!

this can only give mr. bush fodder for his war machine though...

Jul 7, 05 10:13 am  · 
brian buchalski

what's interesting about terrorist attacks is that they are complete creatures of media and they do little more than create a temporary feeling of hysteria and fear. if the terrorists really wanted to damage the western culture, they could do a much more effective job by strategically hitting some oil facilities. though this would barely get a mention in the media, it would frenzy the markets and could utlimately have some painful (i.e., lifestyle changing) effects at home.

as it stands, these made-for-tv terror attacks are little more than a sick joke, as manipulative as "reality" tv and just as desperate as the crap being turned out on any of the networks these wonder they need to keep striking, it's all an effort to keep our attention

at any rate, my heart feels weary today for all those with broken lives for nothing more than the sake of ratings

Jul 7, 05 10:31 am  · 
Luis Fraguada

My mom woke me up this morning. She has been concerned about the safety in London (especially since I am moving there in Sept). Aldgate East was hit, I have many friends who use that daily to commute. I spoke to most of my friends and they tell me everyone they know is accounted for, which is good to know. Two of my friends were in west london, and were basically walking home.

It is crazy to hear the death toll rise. Around 7am I heard 2 people, now CNN is reporting 33. WTF. I want to stop listening, I really do. I don't want to hear about this anymore. I feel that is the only thing I have power over. But that would be all too easy . . . time to crank up the radio . . .

Jul 7, 05 10:35 am  · 

This is awful. So scary. You always think about your last experience with the place affected.....when I was in London in January, I noticed quite quickly how there were no trash cans anywhere. None. Had to throw things away at McDonald's. So it's not like they weren't thinking about it.

And it's really freaky how they planned it with all the police gone for the G8.

Jul 7, 05 10:42 am  · 

as an american living in london, i have to say, the place is dealing with it quite well. maybe it's due to it's history of IRA incidents and such (as noted by WonderK's remark on a lack of trashcans in public spaces) but there really isn't a sense of hysteria at all.

i also have to say, i have found this archinect forum as a better source of information than the bbc so far...

keep ya head up london.


Jul 7, 05 10:58 am  · 

i love my country, why they do that?! pray for peace..

Jul 7, 05 11:27 am  · 

much love to london. peace.

Jul 7, 05 11:30 am  · 

just heard from the final friend and they are all ok. much love and good thoughts to you all in London. we are thinking of you.

Jul 7, 05 11:37 am  · 

Having spent 10 years living in england (current resident of the US) I am shocked at these attacks - especially after the euphoria of hearing the Olympic decision.

My thoughts are with you London and I hope that my family and friends who do reside in London have been unharmed. No news as of yet...

Jul 7, 05 11:50 am  · 

i've heard from from all of my buds this morning and everyone is safe. only one person from foster's office was 'involved' but i don't know to what extent..

my thoughts are with you all.

Jul 7, 05 11:58 am  · 

the aa opening [public] has been canceled for tomorrow. the aa is only a few blocks from russell also the bartlett more or less.....

Jul 7, 05 1:04 pm  · 

French, just to let you know that I work at Fosters and there is one guy in hospital at the moment...his injuries are not life threatening, that the latest info I got on him. Everyone else here has been appointed for and is ok.

Jul 7, 05 1:19 pm  · 

my thoughts with all the people in london and their friends and families.
It's the first time in my lifetime a city i live in is attacked by terrorists.
and although I do not consider it my home I feel upset, angry and shocked.

I can only begin to imagine what it must be like to be there now, how violated you must all feel.

Jul 7, 05 2:23 pm  · 

I hate it when they use REALLY big print on the web sites, i.e. CNN. Like, we're already freaked out enough, do you have to do that too. It's giving me an anxiety attack.

I think the only thing to be thankful for is that it could have been much much worse. Peace and hugs to everyone affected.

Jul 7, 05 3:27 pm  · 

Thanks for the news. I had my friend over the phone and is ok too. Sorry for all of you guys.

Jul 7, 05 3:42 pm  · 

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