
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!



Nope, I haven't heard anything. If I recall correctly, their deadline for applications wasn't until May (!?!) Who knows if they've even begun to look at applications... I didn't hear from UNLV until just yesterday, so at least there are a few schools out there stragglin' behind.

Apr 18, 07 4:05 am  · 


Thanks for the info. Congrats on your decision for grad school. Best of luck!

Apr 18, 07 9:33 am  · 

Anybody go to, or know anything about the WAAC at Virginia Tech? I got in, and im flying in tomorrow to visit. I also got into uiuc and michigan, and I would love to towards michigan, but the cost is a bit higher than WAAC and VA is a little better to the eye than MI. Help me out???

Apr 18, 07 1:00 pm  · 

wait, you're flying in tomorrow to visit virginia tech? the school is closed for the rest of the week due to the shootings.....are you scheduled to meet with a faculty member from there? i would call to double check if you haven't already.

Apr 18, 07 1:24 pm  · 

the WAAC at VT is actually in alexandria... the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center. But that campus very well may be closed like Kalyani said. Someone i work with teaches classes there and they have no classes today at least.

Apr 18, 07 1:49 pm  · 

jb- make sure you look into the cost of living in alexandria... many people who live there work in DC. it's very close to the downtown area. but alexandria is very nice- historic old town is nice... and then of course it's within minutes of DC.

Apr 18, 07 1:50 pm  · 

continued funnies from Pratt: I have now been informed TWICE by email (automatically generated from their fastawards website) that my aid package is ready to view online. Both times, I've gone to the site, logged in, and low and behold... "There are no awards packages available for you to view at this time. If you have any questions, please contact the office of Financial Aid at Pratt Institute."

Apr 18, 07 2:43 pm  · 

you should make a screen copy and mail it to them. along with a letter saying that your "decision on pratt is now available" and direct em to this website.

Apr 18, 07 2:58 pm  · 

ha. I've already sent in my rejection form to them, and wrote an email to the chair of my department. Then I discovered that the department chair is on sabattical, so I'm probably going to write another one to whomever signed my multiple different admissions letters, explaining that I had a high regard for Pratt's program, but the expense could not be justified to attend such a highly disorganized school. And of course, there were just so many great acceptances to choose from this year, and only one place which I could attend, so many qualified schools will experience the disappointment of not having me in their incoming class this fall.

Apr 18, 07 3:26 pm  · 

i too wrote a rejection letter to carnegie mellon the minute i walked in the door when i got home from visiting. i was nice- but to the point + not flowery- just stated that UVA was MUCH more supportive.

i let my cat sign it with a pawprint.

Apr 18, 07 3:39 pm  · 

yeah I did call to check, and I was told that the alexandria campus is closed today, but will resume tommorrow. I scheduled a tour with one of the professors there. Thanks for the heads up though

Apr 18, 07 3:51 pm  · 

I hope I like it there...Im familiar with the DC area, I have family nearby. I seems to be a small, close knit program, which would be the exact opposite of where I came from (BSArch, Ohio State). I just wanted to see if there were any opinions from people who might be more familiar with the program than I am.....anyway ill be there tomorrow so I guess ill see.

Apr 18, 07 3:57 pm  · 

Got the bad news from Cincnnati that they (lost) my application and fee. They did get my supplementary stuff (references, portfolio, GRE, etc.), but even though I sent them the primary application, and fee, they claim that they never received it. With my GRE scores and Ugrad GPA being a little on the low side, I doubt that I would have been accepted anyway.

Should I write them a harsh response, while proving that I sent them my stuff? Anyway, just another reason for me to leave Cincinnati, I guess.

Now I'm waiting to hear from UIC, I'm hoping I can get some "free" money from them. Having already been accepted to IIT, which seems better to me, but haven't gotten any "free" money from them. I'm also daunted by having to not only take calculus, but also physics for IIT. I remember UIC requiring the math. Any tips?

Either way, it looks like I'm headed for Chicago. I doubt that Miami OH has any more spots open at this point for this fall.

Apr 18, 07 8:45 pm  · 

Although nothing was sent to me regarding UIC's decision, I went and checked online. It looks like I've been denied.

Chicago it is. IIT is is. But will I go this fall, and try to cram in the math and physics classes this summer? Or will take a year off and start in Fall '08?

Again, any tips?

Apr 18, 07 9:06 pm  · 

catcow, when did you submit your app? i didn't get an acceptance letter from uic until this past monday. however, my third recommender didn't send in his letter until mid march.

Apr 18, 07 10:47 pm  · 

btw, my online app stills says decision pending

Apr 18, 07 10:48 pm  · 

For UIC, I submitted my application before February 1st, though I also had the same situation where they didn't get my third recommender's letter until mid-march as well.

However, I did check my online status tonite, and it said "Deny."

Apr 19, 07 1:09 am  · 

=/ sorry to hear that.

can you take one class during summer and then one concurrently when you start at iit in the fall? or do you have to complete both before matriculating?

Apr 19, 07 1:56 am  · 

catcow - didn't you get an email about a week or so before the feb 1st deadline? mine stated what they were missing (transcripts i had already sent them). and then i received an email on the 1st or right after stating that my application was complete.

i would definitely complain - if you have the charge on your card, i would give them that information as well.

the least they could do would be to give you back your application fee!

Apr 19, 07 7:55 am  · 

Hi guys, Iam new here.

I got accepted to Pratt, along with University of Toronto and University of British Columbia. (I did not take GRE so my choices were limited.) I am still debating which school to go to, I want to go to Pratt, but the tuition is very high and I don't have advance placement.

On the other hand, UBC provided me advance standing (U of Toronto did not). UBC program last 3 yrs (before Advance Placement), and U Toronto lasts 3.5 yrs.

What do you guys think? Heard anything about these Canadian schools? What do you think of them? Would be great to hear some suggestion from you guys.

Apr 20, 07 2:38 am  · 

I was waitlisted at the University of Michigan - and found out today that I got in. I haven't checked the website for a few days so I don't know exactly when it changed from the waitlist to accepted - but it was this week. So, for those applying in 2008 - that info might be helpful come next year.

Apr 20, 07 2:59 pm  · 

After initially being rejected at Ohio State, they are now offering me another chance at their 3+ M.Arch program. This is because there is a recruitment scholarship of $3,000/year for Ohio residents, and their pool of Ohio residents is low. They are giving me until Monday at noon to respond.

Going back a few days, I was given an extension at IIT until May 1. Their tuition is around $25k/year.

This is indeed confusing...
OSU is cheaper and closer, at less than $10,000. Apparently there are no math/science prerequisites there, and they supposedly start 3+'s in the summer. A new building (2004).
As a coaster enthusiast, there is no major park in Columbus area, but Kings Island (Cincinnati) and Cedar Point (Sandusky) are only 2 hours away- and both owned by Cedar Fair. And it's a great athletic university (albeit I'm a Michigan fan), not to mention the NHL and MLS.

For the urban experience, I prefer Chicago and IIT. All the major league sports (though I'm a Reds, Cardinals, Colts and Penguins fan). Truly great modern architecture. Mies. Rapid transit. Tallest buildings in the U.S. Six Flags Great America is about an hour north. 2 IKEAs.
On the bad side, more than twice as expensive as OSU, (though it's private), and the Calculus/Physics prereqs. And so far, no free money. They do offer assistantships, but not in the first year.

Now what has me stumped is the reputation/success/history at OSU. Although I've been to the campus for athletic events, I have only driven past Knowlton Hall, which looks great. Also, they seem very Windows PC-oriented, and I'm a Mac guy. I could get myself a MacBook Pro and run Windows when I need it...

So now, I hate to pose the question... IIT or OSU? Should I try to get money from IIT? Should I take the OSU Deal... or No Deal?

Apr 20, 07 3:07 pm  · 

You'll be saving 10 grand a year, right? Then for me it would be an simple choice, I'll be going to OSU. School is what you make of it, if you're proactive your degree will have value.

Apr 21, 07 3:44 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

Never go some place you'll be less happy for the sake of money. Debt is temporary.

Apr 21, 07 5:48 pm  · 

I disagree with the above statement... Never go somewhere you'll be unhappy for the sake of money. Try not to go somewhere you'll be significantly less happy for the sake of money. Going somewhere you'll be sliiightly less happy for the sake of a lot of money? OK by me. But since debt is not always temporary, you've got to figure out where things balance out for you.

Apr 21, 07 6:02 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

Good call Rationalist. You're right that it is a matter of degrees.

Apr 21, 07 7:11 pm  · 

Oh my gosh, Catcow:

The decision between IIT and OSU CANNOT be about money! These two schools could not be more different... pretty much opposite ends of the design spectrum. It HAS to be a question of interests... The graduate school at OSU is VERY theoretically based, while IIT is much more pragmatic. If you're more interested in really detailed desiging about how buildings go together, in a practical (but still beautiful!) kind of way, then IIT is for you. If you're more about the theory and philosophy behind design and more experamental techniques and forms, OSU is one of the better places to be in the country. Of course, both will leave you with a professionally Accredited degree, but the background you get at each sets you on a completely different trajectory, in my opinion.

Apr 22, 07 6:17 pm  · 

Oh, as a disclaimer, I'm currently a 4th year undergrad at OSU. Regarding "sucess" of the school, our undergrad program this year got 7 people into Yale, 9 into UPenn, 3 into UCLA, 2 into GA tech, Mutliple people into Virginia, and also MIT, Columbia, UW Seattle, Michigan...So I'd say we're doing okay ;)

Apr 22, 07 6:20 pm  · 

Thanks for the advice. Though it hasn't really helped me make a decision at this point. At this point, I am no longer really questioning the reputation of OSU. However, I am kicking myself for not touring Knowlton Hall (OSU), I feel like I put more interest into the other schools, especially IIT, by making campus/facility visits. I have been to the OSU campus several times (for sporting events), going past Knowlton, which looks great...

This will indeed be the hardest decision I have ever had to make. It will go down to money, reputation, curriculum, campus, and the city. Having to take prerequisites similar to what IIT offers will be very challenging (math, physics), but at this point, I am still up to the challenge.

Apr 22, 07 9:43 pm  · 

OK... I am considering replying to the OSU e-mail, but with questions, like Pre-requisites, when I start, and such. I'd love to have a few more days IMO...

BUT IIT seems to interest me more. Because of the higher costs and prereqs, I am considering accepting admission there, but delaying my start to August 2008. I'd like to shape up my math skills, as well as my finances (and my family's, too).

Before heading to sleep, I'll say that OSU's offer is very, very enticing, but I strongly believe that IIT will take me further.

Apr 23, 07 1:35 am  · 

hi posters,

in the spirit of the grad application process i've decided to commence on the impending heartache and pain i will suffer next fall at the hands of admissions committees. :)

im applying with a non-arch background and have been out of school for 2 years. i figured all of you would be helpful (if you aren't already tired of the whole grad school process)...i don't necessarily want to know what schools i should be aiming for, but what are things i can do to bolster my application, considering where i am currently, and how prepared i might be(or am not):

School Stuff:
-decent overall academic record
-Art history major, lots of classes...15 or so
-solidly good major GPA
-solidly good final 2-years GPA (which will help with my two fav. schools so far, Berkeley and UCLA)
-5 architecture history/planning classes
-1 studio architecture class (i tried, without much luck, to weasel my way into more)
-grad level coursework

Test Stuff:
-was happy with my first scores, 90th percentile verbal and 84th percentile quant.....the math percentiles are silly.
-the kicker: i didn't do so hot on the writing part, but don't know if it's worth retaking the whole test (since i did well on the other parts) and especially when the admission committee doesn't seem to value the gre so much to begin with.

Post-School Life:
-slaving away at a law firm in new york, and starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel :(
-took an interior space planning class
-taking a sculpture class this summer
-taking physics in the fall
-already took one calc class in college, but might take another
-working on my portfolio
-i am into sustainability in general and used my vacation time to work on a bio reserve in ecuador.

I have a pretty strong hold in the art history/arch. history area, but thought it would be a good idea to get the pre-reqs out of the way. in your experience, do you think that it helps to try to knock them out before applying? also, i obviously haven't included everything about myself here, but, do you see any glaring holes, or things they might look at and wonder "hmmpf....what happened here?" or any ideas.

sorry this is so long.


Apr 23, 07 4:18 pm  · 

ps. how are you all maximizing your aid??

Apr 23, 07 4:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin
2008 M.Arch. applications, commiserate here!
Apr 23, 07 4:22 pm  · 

just an update: EVERY financial aid office blows. Apparently, it's just a fact of life.

I had applied to UW for undergrad, when I lived in Phoenix, seven years ago. For some reason, the financial aid office retained my Phoenix address as my permanent address, and continued to send me stuff there! When I tried to explain to them that I hadn't lived there for seven years, they persisted in saying, "But your parents can just forward it to you, or some other family member or something." despite my protestations of, "NO, THEY don't live there either. We don't know who does live there now, there is no way of my retrieving that mail." When I finally got through to them that that mail sent to that address had negative chances of ever reaching me, they really, really wanted me to replace it with my parents' current address. I'm sorry, what they heck do my parents have to do with my graduate education? NOTHING!

Financial aid blows.

Apr 24, 07 2:05 pm  · 

ok. that is so stupid i don't even know where to begin.

Apr 24, 07 2:07 pm  · 

yeah, that is exactly how I feel about it. Somehow admissions and everybody else managed to keep things straight, except financial aid. Proof that financial aid counselors are demons sent from hell to torment us? I think so.

Apr 24, 07 2:14 pm  · 

I am now leaning toward OSU... if the offer is still open, I'm taking it. IIT is great, but much more expensive, and has those darned math and physics prereqs. If I were to go there, I'd have to defer a year... and I'd prefer to start grad school sooner than later.

Apr 25, 07 10:44 am  · 
Say No to Student Loans

Congratulations Catcow,

I think you'll be very happy at OSU- sounds like an exciting school

Apr 25, 07 12:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've heard very good things about OSU here on Archinect. If your long-term goal is to come to Chicago, you won't have any trouble, as there's plenty of other OSU grads in town.

Apr 25, 07 12:26 pm  · 

I have indeed just accepted admission to OSU, and can't wait to get my life back on track! While I'd hate to turn down IIT and Chicago, there's always the opportunity to go there, or another great American city, to work after grad school.

Thank you all for your your words and advice. The past several days have been tough for me, but for the first time in a while, I finally have some real direction in my future endeavours.

Apr 25, 07 12:35 pm  · 

going to school in a big city is nice--- it is the academic setting that is more important
i would say it's better to go to a big city once you're working- that way you can actually afford to live.

Apr 25, 07 12:37 pm  · 

The one thing that is great about being in a big city for school is the better internship opportunities. In my big spreadsheet of school comparisons, I had a 'jobs' category, and the different options were ?, $, or $$. Some places I'd be lucky to get a job as library staff, while others were awash with great options. But unless you're working to get in-state tuition your second year, you can always go somewhere fun for the summer. Even if you do need to stay in the state, you can head to cincinatti for a change of pace.

Apr 25, 07 12:50 pm  · 

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got an email that my FAFSA corrections had been submitted, and my new student aid report was available online.

I didn't submit a correction to the FAFSA, but I DID submit institutional correction forms to CCA and UW, so one of them must have done this, but, my new EFC is...


Damn, I can't wait to see my financial aid package now.

Apr 25, 07 3:09 pm  · 

Good job rationalist!

Catcow, I just got back from a weekend in Columbus and I have to say, that place is hopping. It is not a cow-town as some might think, it is a lovely city rife with activity, beautiful parks and some really gorgeous neighborhoods. I think you'll do just fine. ;o)

Apr 25, 07 3:17 pm  · 

very nice rationalist... that's the lowest one i've heard yet! i am only slightly higher at 2176. did you submit for an adjustment for your financial aid for a computer/laptop? apparently you can qualify for more aid with this one time adjustment

Apr 25, 07 3:31 pm  · 

what does that adjustment actually do? does it just qualify you for some need based aid if your department has it available?

Apr 25, 07 3:34 pm  · 

nah, no laptop adjustment. I believe it does qualify my for additional aid if any is available. Also, UW mentioned that they do work-study, so if I get enough work-study, I might be able to con my department into an extra quarter's assistanceship, or even if I don't it'll make it easier for me to find a job there.

Apr 25, 07 3:39 pm  · 

it adds $2000+/- to the total Budget for your cost of tuition. I am not sure how they will apply it- whether you qualify for more loans or if you qualify for other aid. i'd imagine more loans.

Apr 25, 07 3:40 pm  · 

well federal student loans for grad school top off at $20,500 per year regardless of your personal financial situation. after that its private loans. so I imagine it must affect need based aid within your department if its available at all, or maybe you will get priority for work-study or something. but federal need-based aid for grad students doesn't exist as far as I know.

Apr 25, 07 4:40 pm  · 

Guess no one has any suggestion to my concerns?....

copy from last post:

Hi guys, Iam new here.

I got accepted to Pratt, along with University of Toronto and University of British Columbia. (I did not take GRE so my choices were limited.) I am still debating which school to go to, I want to go to Pratt, but the tuition is very high and I don't have advance placement.

On the other hand, UBC provided me advance standing (U of Toronto did not). UBC program last 3 yrs (before Advance Placement), and U Toronto lasts 3.5 yrs.

What do you guys think? Heard anything about these Canadian schools? What do you think of them? Would be great to hear some suggestion from you guys.

Apr 25, 07 10:47 pm  · 

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